Private coaching sessions
Private coaching sessions are available either in person or online.
Depending on the needs, it can be for the entire family, carer only or children only.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Depending on the needs, it can be for the entire family, carer only or children only.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Private coaching package
This package includes five visits to the family home (or video conferences) over the course of a month. It is tailored to the needs of each family and we work together with them as a team.
Visit 1: First day
Interview caregivers to gain an understanding of the issues.
Visit 2: A few days after
Observe issues.
Visit 3: One week after
Present solutions.
Visit 4: A few day after
Observe the implementation of solutions and suggest amendments where necessary.
Visit 5: Two weeks after
Observe the implementation of solutions and suggest amendments where necessary.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Visit 1: First day
Interview caregivers to gain an understanding of the issues.
Visit 2: A few days after
Observe issues.
Visit 3: One week after
Present solutions.
Visit 4: A few day after
Observe the implementation of solutions and suggest amendments where necessary.
Visit 5: Two weeks after
Observe the implementation of solutions and suggest amendments where necessary.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Tailored parents' courses
Tailored parents' courses are available for a range of topics to suit your needs.
Parents' courses are usually held for two hours.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Parents' courses are usually held for two hours.
The services can be covered by NDIS.
Get In Touch
Enter your details in the form below for a free 15-minute telephone consultation.